Follow #itskanchanthings! I will post some of quotes.
You had a dream. You quit and killed it. Is not killing your dream a crime??
Always follow your dream and give ever fucking things to achieve it.
जब हामी अरूलाई दोष दिन्छौं वा खुशीको लागि बाह्य कारकहरूमा निर्भर हुन्छौं, हाम्रो आनन्द अस्थिर हुन्छ। कुनै बाहिरी कुराले हामीलाई खुशी वा दुखी बनाउँदैन। खुशी त हामीले कुनै कुरालाई कसरी प्रतिक्रिया दिन्छौं त्यसमा भर पर्छ |
When we blame other or depend upon external factors for happiness, our happiness become unstable. It’s not what is happening makes us happy or unhappy. It is how we respond to it.
The big you dream, bigger you have to sacrifice. Ready to sacrifice? Dream Big.
Its Kanchan Things